Dreams are my reality |
Dreams are my reality |
1 kert
1 diszkó 10 jegyűrű 6 kóla Tinder Goethe Füst Az Art+Text galéria Rokokó termében felépített installációban egy poppos-fodros kert és selyemfényű retró-diszkó július 4-én tapasztalat- és élmény-alapú személyre szabott mini-performanszok díszleteként lesz használva, amit az épület kapujában és lépcsőházában játszódó jelenetek, valamint öt hazai tervező streetesen glamouros too-much-but-never-enough ruhakompozíciói fognak meghosszabbítani és kiegészíteni a térben. Az egyszerre csak egy személy által megtekinthető és átélhető rövid, esetenként csak 4-5 perces performansz-show-sorozat célja elsősorban az intimitás és a vágy fogalmainak körbejárása személyes történeteket idéző flashbackek révén, 90-es évek club-teen-feel hangulatú anti-lineáris kontextusban a vizuális és a performatív művészetek valamint a divat határán. |
1 garden
1 disco 10 rings 6 colas Tinder Goethe Smoke In “Dreams are my reality” performers reenact with salty humor the greatest hetero-romantic scenes from classic movies. By showing queer fairy tale characters in a shiny glamorous wonderland with a baroque-pop romantic and kitschy aesthetic, “Dreams are my reality” is also about highlighting the underrepresentation of LGBT+ love in cinema, promoting gender equality, and celebrating all kinds of love. |
Art+Text Galéria, Budapest, 2017 / Env. 3h
Koncepció, térinstalláció, objektek: Ádám Anna / Performansz: Gray Box / Előadók: Almási Szabina, Bakonyi Zsuzsa, Fodor Orsi, Major Mátyás, Molnár Gyuri, Korponovics Roland, Pável Réka, Songoro Laura / Ruha: Gray Box valamint Csabai Zita, Faidt Dávid, Fazekas Endre, Gulicska Nóra, Wirth Abigail / Styling: Ádám Anna, Wirth Abigail / Make up: Magyari Fruzsina / Kurátor: Rieder Gábor |
Art+Text Galéria, Budapest, 2017 / Env. 3h
Concept, installation, objectis: Ádám Anna / Performance: Gray Box / Performers: Almási Szabina, Bakonyi Zsuzsa, Fodor Orsi, Major Mátyás, Molnár Gyuri, Korponovics Roland, Pável Réka, Songoro Laura / Clothing: Gray Box valamint Csabai Zita, Faidt Dávid, Fazekas Endre, Gulicska Nóra, Wirth Abigail / Styling: Ádám Anna, Wirth Abigail Make up: Magyari Fruzsina / Curator: Rieder Gábor |
Lou Gueppa about the show:
"The installation, which was actually both an artwork, a scenery setting, and a catwalk, was made up of a series of visually attractive forms and phenomena: stage-smoke, fuschia and turquoise disco lights, shiny fabrics, neon tulles, green plants, multicolore confetties, vintage-styled jewelries, and other small kitschy, gooey, and sappy objects on the intersection of sculpture, scenery prop, and fashion accessory. This candy-looking artificial reality evoking on it's left side a colorful tropical garden, and on it's right a retro-disco from the 90’s was actually where the “Dreams are my reality”performance happened. Closed and guarded by an extravagantly dressed fashionable prince, visitors could only enter one by one to the “secret-room” to spend there no more than five minutes.
As I arrived too late to make my registration, I had to wait until the end of the opening ceremony to enter, but I definitely wasn’t disappointed! Outside the room, this elegant "guardian" with golden crown, long, blue, fitt’n’chic fantasy chemise and shiny, black glitter pants asked me to put on a headphone before going inside. Then he opened the door for me, and with Richard Sanderson in my ears, I entered both into a living art space and into my nearly forgotten teenagehood. Between curiosity, emotions, and a little bit of awkwardness, I was welcomed by a pinky pop-love diva with gold sequin glam makeup, who guided me back to my teenage souvenirs, evoking my first love, my first party, my first desires. Without narrative and temporality, I was soon completely lost between present and past, fiction and reality… I experienced exactly what I was listening to: “ Dreams are my reality / A different kind of reality / I dream of loving in the night / And loving seems alright / Although it's only fantasy”... Following a series of short actions in which I was invited to participate to, my performer-host sweetly and smoothly accompanied me outside… outside of the space and outside of my dreams and souvenirs. For a while I was still elsewhere, than I came back to the reality, among art-lovers and gallery-hoppers keeping their glasses filled."
"The installation, which was actually both an artwork, a scenery setting, and a catwalk, was made up of a series of visually attractive forms and phenomena: stage-smoke, fuschia and turquoise disco lights, shiny fabrics, neon tulles, green plants, multicolore confetties, vintage-styled jewelries, and other small kitschy, gooey, and sappy objects on the intersection of sculpture, scenery prop, and fashion accessory. This candy-looking artificial reality evoking on it's left side a colorful tropical garden, and on it's right a retro-disco from the 90’s was actually where the “Dreams are my reality”performance happened. Closed and guarded by an extravagantly dressed fashionable prince, visitors could only enter one by one to the “secret-room” to spend there no more than five minutes.
As I arrived too late to make my registration, I had to wait until the end of the opening ceremony to enter, but I definitely wasn’t disappointed! Outside the room, this elegant "guardian" with golden crown, long, blue, fitt’n’chic fantasy chemise and shiny, black glitter pants asked me to put on a headphone before going inside. Then he opened the door for me, and with Richard Sanderson in my ears, I entered both into a living art space and into my nearly forgotten teenagehood. Between curiosity, emotions, and a little bit of awkwardness, I was welcomed by a pinky pop-love diva with gold sequin glam makeup, who guided me back to my teenage souvenirs, evoking my first love, my first party, my first desires. Without narrative and temporality, I was soon completely lost between present and past, fiction and reality… I experienced exactly what I was listening to: “ Dreams are my reality / A different kind of reality / I dream of loving in the night / And loving seems alright / Although it's only fantasy”... Following a series of short actions in which I was invited to participate to, my performer-host sweetly and smoothly accompanied me outside… outside of the space and outside of my dreams and souvenirs. For a while I was still elsewhere, than I came back to the reality, among art-lovers and gallery-hoppers keeping their glasses filled."
Photos, video ©Dávid Biró, 2017.