With Gray Box, fashion spills into the realm of performing arts and performance art, as it develops a strong aesthetic, conceptual, and physical relation to the body and to gender.
Jaqui Taboo is an imaginary queer fashion designer, interested in social phenomena, socio-cultural changes and sub-cultures. Through thematic collections, uncanny fashion performances, and interdisciplinary workshops, Jaqui Taboo's work is an exploration of the performative, choreographical, dramatic, and ideological potential of clothes with a focus on cultural, social and heteronormative structures. From a critical feminist perspective, the designer highlights the interactions and common territories between fashion and performance, questions body, sexuality, and gender identity.
Jaqui Taboo is an imaginary queer fashion designer, interested in social phenomena, socio-cultural changes and sub-cultures. Through thematic collections, uncanny fashion performances, and interdisciplinary workshops, Jaqui Taboo's work is an exploration of the performative, choreographical, dramatic, and ideological potential of clothes with a focus on cultural, social and heteronormative structures. From a critical feminist perspective, the designer highlights the interactions and common territories between fashion and performance, questions body, sexuality, and gender identity.
Jaqui Taboo's Goddess Show 2019 S/S @ Kolorado Festival
Concept: Gray Box / Performance: Almási Szabina, Ádám Anna, Borsos Luca, Holló-Szabó Zsófia, Juhász Janka, Major Mátyás, Németh Luca, Nényei Lujza, Osvay Róza, Pável Réka + Kolorado Festival people / Styling / Makeup / Hairstyle: Almási Szabina, Ádám Anna, Holló-Szabó Zsófia, Juhász Janka, Nényei Lujza, Osvay Róza / Photo: © Zellei Boglárka
Jaqui Taboo's Summer Resort Collection
Concept: Gray Box / Fashion Designer: Jaqui Taboo / Clothing, Styling, Makeup, Photo: Ádám Anna / Model: Chun Han
Jaqui Taboo's Fashion Show 2018 S/S @ Kolorado Festival
Concept: Gray Box / Fashion Designer: Jaqui Taboo / Clothing, Styling: Ádám Anna / Models: lmási Szabina, Borsos Luca, Debreczenyi Marcel, Farkas Kristóf, Bakonyi Zsuzsa, Kovács Emese, Lukács Gergő, Nagy Edi, Sarah de Günther, Major Mátyás, Mogyorós Anna Luca, Juhász Janka / Make up: Ádám Anna, Juhász Janka / Hairstyle: Csókás Anna / Photo: © Cserna Endre
Jaqui Taboo's Fashion Show 2017 A/W
Concept: Gray Box / Fashion Designer: Jaqui Taboo / Clothing: Ádám Anna, Almási Szabina, Piróth Tímea, Gray Box / Styling: Ádám Anna, Almási Szabina, Piróth Tímea / Models: Elbert Regina, Kovács Domokos, Meskovits Liza, Mezei-Oszvald Judit, Nagy Edi, Tamás Róbert / Make up: Ádám Anna / Hairstyle: Almási Szabina / Photo: © Pau Castro Suarez / Photo Assistance Adri Pantócsik
Dreams are my reality
Concept: Gray Box / Clothing: Gray Box and Csabai Zita, Faidt Dávid, Fazekas Endre, Gulicska Nóra, Wirth Abigail / Styling: Ádám Anna, Wirth Abigail / Models, performers: Almási Szabina, Bakonyi Zsuzsa, Fodor Orsi, Major Mátyás, Molnár Gyuri, Korponovics Roland, Pável Réka, Songoro Laura / Make up: Magyari Fruzsina / Photo: © Biró Dávid
The Master and Margarita
Concept: Gray Box / Clothing: Horváth Renáta, Vértesi Borbála, Virág Anita / Styling: Ádám Anna, Horváth Renáta / Make up: Szerencsés Gabriella / Model: Almási Szabina, Lori Baldwin, Bartók Mária Hedvig, Fodor Orsi, Gurbán Bereniké, Koleszár Kata, Molnár Gyuri / Photo: © Zellei Boglárka
Post-Soviet Stories
Concept: Gray Box / Styling: Ádám Anna, Horváth Renáta / Model: Bartók Mária Hedvig, Bereniké Gurbán / Photo: © Horváth Renáta / Make up: Anna Ádám / Store: Retrock
Stages of Love II.
(Interpretation of Roland Barthes: "A lover's discourse: fragments") / Concept: Gray Box / Styling: Ádám Anna, Piróth Tímea / Model: Ausztris Andrea ("Scene"), Baranyák Zsuzsanna ("Heart"), Jónás Vera ("Confession"), Koleszár Kata ("Picture"), Piróth Erika ("Mute"), Vavra Julcsi ("Contact") / Make up: Magyari Fruzsina, Szerencsés Gabriella / Artworks: Brückner János, Jauernik Zsófia (Toto and his shiny company, 2015.), Kiss Antónia Zsanett (Egy Másik Dög(ös), 2016.) / Photo: © Szombat Éva
Stages of Love I.
(Interpretation of Roland Barthes: "A lover's discourse: fragments") / Concept: Gray Box / Styling: Ádám Anna, Piróth Tímea / Modell: Bartók Mária Hedvig ("Heart" and "Picture"), Bereczki Anita ("Object"), Dienes Flóra ("Crazy"), Diószegi Klaudia ("Mute"), Dombi Krisztián és Farkas Eszter ("Contact"), Galambos Juca ("Object"), Görgényi Anna ("Crazy"), Héli Alíz ("Picture"), Kiss Csenge ("Contact"), Kovács Dóra ("Object" and "Confession"), Szilágyi Vivien ("Picture") / Make up: Kállai Bara, Magyari Fruzsina, Szerencsés Gabriella / Jewelry: Tóth Lili / Artworks: Jauernik Zsófia (Toto and his shiny company, 2015.), Kiss Antónia Zsanett (Egy Másik Dög(ös), 2016.) / Photo: © You You Xue
Without borders
Sziget Festival, Budapest, 2016
Collaboration: Museum of Ethnology (Budapest), Musée National de l'Histoire de l'Immigration (Paris)
Concept: Gray Box / Styling: Alacsony Zsóka, Almási Szabina, Ádám Anna, Fodor Orsi, Molnár Gyuri, Piróth Tímea / Modell: 2016 Sziget Citizens / Photo: © Zellei Boglárka, 2016.
Israel Us!
Israel 69 Festival, Budapest, 2016
Collaboration: Israeli Cultural Institute (Budapest)
Concept: Gray Box / Styling: Piróth Tímea / Modell: Almási Szabina, Lazici Noemi, Mogyorós Anna Luca, Poór Dorottya, Rátkai Dániel, Riczu Alexandra, Ujhelyi Szilárd / Moderator: Molnár Gyuri / Hairstyle: Kollár Erika / Make up: Koleszár Kata / Photo: © Zellei Boglárka, 2016.